Monday, March 24, 2008


After four wonderful days in the big beautiful city i was ready for a little bit of country and a familiar face. so i hopped on a nightbus bound for mendoza and 17hours later, after transfering to another bus to get to the small town of tunuyan, i was greeted by patchs open arms and now heavily bearded grinning face. after a 30 min walk to the farm we sat down to a huge meal in honor of nacho (the son of the farm owners) s 5th birthday. twas a bit overwhelming with all the fast talking and greeting and kissing, but in a really heartwarming kind of way. they are such a wonderful family, so passionate and kind. in the morning we we set out to earn our keep and, for a girl from orange county, id say i worked that hoe like nobodys business. after the mornings work was finished, jorge (the man of the farm) led all us volunteers in a yoga lesson after which we had lunch and a siesta and returned to work until nightfall (this time building walls out of mud, water and horse poop). but as good as all this sounds, we were itching to get to wadnering and head south to reach ushuaia (the southernmost city in the world) before summer had retreated too far. so we packed up our stuff and patchs mouse, sancho panza, and once again boarded a bus for the better part of a day. this time i ended up in bariloche in a beautiful campsite 3 kilometers outside of town with a view of the deep blue alpine-esk lake. id like to tell more, but time is so often of the essence for us wadnerers. more on bariloche and our 5 wonderful days there later.
PS please send warmth as i will be reaching very cold temperatures this evening.

1 comment:

WadnerDaddy said...

When you're standing on the skinny southernmost tip of South America looking out to sea toward Antarctica, I wonder if you'll spot the latest state-sized (small state)chunk of Antarctica to fall off and float away, which happened a couple of days ago. I hope all this global warming is helping to keep your sensitive fingers from turning snow white while you wadner around in Patagonia. Take pictures!